Why do my feet get cold? 5 ways to keep your feet warm at home
There is truly no better feeling than being comfy and cozy even when the weather begins to turn chilly. Imagine you’re bundled up on the couch with a hot drink. The steam from your mug envelops your senses, dancing as it rises to kiss your face. You’re finally able to unwind because the ultimate level of comfort has been reached, and you are savoring every minute of it. This, my friend, is a true luxury.
However, nothing can put this blissful state in jeopardy more than cold feet – and we’re not just talking about pre-marital nerves. Whether it's a brisk day or sunny skies, cold feet can really put a damper on things. As you likely already know, it can be a real struggle to warm up the rest of your body if your feet are chilled to the bone. We’re here to help you understand why your feet might be getting cold and provide some remedies to help you stay snug and warm.
You may wonder if you’re alone in dealing with chronically cold feet, but the truth is, it is very common. Whether you live in a chilly climate or simply have cold feet in bed, everybody experiences this sensation at one time or another. It is so common most people might not think much of it, but this simple discomfort can quickly become almost unbearable. From the prickling sensation in your heel to the numbness radiating through your toes – why does it happen? There are several influencing factors such as age, gender, and certain health conditions. Here are some causes for cold feet related to health issues.
Poor Circulation
One of the most common reasons for chilled feet is poor blood circulation. When your body temperature drops, the blood vessels in your feet and other body parts constrict. This protects your vital organs from the cold; however, it also results in poor blood circulation in the feet. Sensations such as nerve pain and numbness are common and are actually signs that your body is protecting itself from its frigid environment. Some habits such as smoking, caffeine, and stress can have vasoconstrictive effects and also contribute to poor blood circulation. -
People who have diabetes typically get cold feet more often than others. This is largely because they are at high risk for contributors such as circulation problems and nerve damage. When these contributors meet cold weather, discomfort can arise. -
Underactive Thyroid
If you have an underactive thyroid, this may be the culprit. In this case, the thyroid doesn’t release enough hormones that help turn food and oxygen into energy. This can leave your entire body feeling cold, especially your feet. -
Iron deficiency
Cold feet could be an indicator that you are iron deficient. People who are iron deficient don’t have enough red blood cells to deliver adequate oxygen to different parts of their bodies. This may cause them to have cold feet even when it’s warm outside. -
Inactive lifestyle
Keeping your body in motion helps to promote healthy blood circulation. If you live a mostly sedentary lifestyle, it’s possible that you’re not getting enough circulation to your feet and toes. This can leave your feet feeling much colder than the rest of your body.
Recent studies show that even for people who don’t have an underlying condition, letting their feet stay cold can cause the onset of cold and flu symptoms. So for these reasons, don't get cold feet about caring for your cold feet!
Here are some recommendations for treating your cold feet at home:
Wear warm socks!
Warm, fuzzy socks are the safest choice for warming cold feet. If your feet are cold, your nerves will take longer to alert you when they are exposed to too much heat. People with the previously mentioned conditions are at especially high risk because of their circulation issues. If caution isn’t exercised, common warming methods can unintentionally lead to burns and injury. Thick socks, like Siberia Spirit goat hair and sheep wool socks, can reduce the risk of injury by warming your feet without using methods such as heating pads or hot water.
When it comes to choosing the warmest socks, it is important to keep in mind that natural fibers matter. Nature is the most sophisticated designer, developing insulating technology that surpasses anything synthetically made. Unlike synthetic fibers, the structure of the organic fibers in wool socks allows them to trap a large volume of air. This gives it the ability to capture your body heat within its tiny air pockets, maintaining a layer of warmth that stays nuzzled next to your skin. This feature is likely why wool has been used to make warm clothing for thousands of years, making wool socks historically the warmest socks in the world!
Not only is wool an effective insulator, but its unique absorbency makes it the ultimate way to stay comfortable in various climates and fluctuating temperatures. This is because of the way it produces heat when it absorbs moisture. Wool’s unique fiber structure allows it to repel water while also absorbing water vapor (4). In other words, your fuzzy wool socks will retain their warmth even if you get wet and they will wick away perspiration, keeping your feet dry!
Eat a healthy, well-balanced diet.
A diet full of trans fats, saturated fats, added sugars, and high amounts of salt can aggravate your already cold feet. Incorporating healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, oily fish, and nuts can help you achieve better circulation and warmer toes. -
Put a pillow between your legs when lying down.
Positioning a pillow between your legs when you sleep or lie down helps facilitate the blood flow to your heart and back, but also to your feet. It allows for your body warmth to travel downward, helping you to avoid getting cold feet in the first place. -
Stay hydrated.
Since our bodies are mostly water, it makes sense that boosting hydration would aid in healthy blood circulation. When you are properly hydrated, your blood can move more easily throughout your body. This helps keep your heart healthy, your blood pressure down, and your feet warm! Try to reach for a glass of water if you’re feeling a headache, muscle cramps, or a sticky mouth. -
Exercise daily.
Regular exercise has been found to actually make your heart stronger and can even increase the amount of blood pumped with every beat. Aim for aerobic exercise that makes you mildly out of breath like brisk walking, dancing, or taking a cardio class. Just 30 minutes five days a week can dramatically improve both your overall health and your cold feet too!
We hope this information is helpful in your journey to remedy your cold feet. (:
Keep warm!
Siberia Spirit family